Bootcamp Week 5, React Week 1
Well, week one of React has wrapped up and I’m feeling more confident now than in previous weeks. But, I guess that sort of happens with any topic you may be trying to learn, the further in, the more confident. There’s still so much to React to learn, but it’s making more sense. I’m sure some of that is coming down to my basic understanding of JavaScript.
My phase 1 project review is tomorrow, so I’m pretty nervous about that. Looking back at phase 1, I would have approached things differently, much more like I’m handling phase 2 with React. I’ve got my own flow figured out and have tweaked it to my learning style in order to better grasp these brand new concepts. There’s still a lot over my head, but it’s getting better.
One of the new approaches that I didn’t do very well in phase 1 is to start a project to keep running along with our lessons. I didn’t quite understand how to start it and keep it going during the first weeks of camp, but I’ve got a much better idea now.
Another approach is to implement other resources to reinforce what I’m learning on the curriculum. I’m using other videos and walk-throughs and practice challenges to help push through some of the things I’m having issues with. It’s been incredibly helpful and, while still not 100% on everything, I’m in a much better place after week 1 of React than I was for week 1 of JavaScript.
Finally, I do want to blog more. I know it’s not required to blog a whole lot.. just the main ones they require. But, I feel if I can continue to record my thoughts and identify these patterns that help me, it will one day provide a confident boost if I’m feeling overwhelmed.
All in all, everything is going well, I feel. I’m so very excited to keep traveling down this road and see where this journey takes me. I’m loving it.